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sea odditties Tegan nash ollett

Sea Oddities

2019, Onespace Gallery, Brisbane

Sea Oddities is a collaborative performance work that combines art, circus, contemporary dance and sound to explore liminal zones and notions of becoming-animal, highlighting our complex human relationships with the animal and non-human world.


For this performance and mural, Zoe Porter draws upon aquatic imagery from the small coastal town of Toba, Japan where she undertook a short residency. Whilst in Japan, Zoe was able to meet female free divers known as Ama. This tradition of women divers has been in existence for over 3,000 years and the Ama have an incredibly rich, sustainable and complex relationship with the sea and marine life. This performance/mural is influenced by the Ama’s fishing practices, rituals, and relationship to the natural world.


Presented as part of Brisbane Art and Design Festival at Onespace Gallery in 2019.


Creative Team

Mural and Direction: Zoe Porter

Performers and Choreographers: Tegan Ollett and Olivia Porter

Sound: Exploko



sea odditties tegan nash llett
Sea Odditties Tegan Nash Ollett

© 2020 by Tegan Nash

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